Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ:AUPH) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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So trying to intermittently treat was a pattern that was just derived from trying to manage these potentially toxic drugs that were being put on the patients. But the short answer is we see on this is continuing to be an opportunity as we shift the market more aligned to guidelines. Greg, what would you what would you add

Greg Keenan: At the end of AURORA program, we monitored patients for a subsequent four weeks and there was stability with regard to the patient’s response in terms of proteinuria for the subsequent four weeks, thereafter, I certainly agree with you Peter that different individuals will have recurrence of different points. I’ll just emphasize one thing the opinion leaders in this area indicate like you are implying this is a chronic disease, not an episodic disease irrespective about how clinicians treat it and hence the recommendations to maintain treatment once they secure responses important.

Operator: Thank you. We reached the end of our question-and-answer session. I’d like to turn the floor back over to management for any further or closing comments.

Peter Greenleaf: I want to thank everybody for their time today. Look forward to updating you as we move into the second quarter. Have a great day.

Operator: Thank you. That does conclude today’s teleconference and webcast. You may disconnect your line at this time and have a wonderful day. We thank you for your participation today.

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