Atlas Energy Solutions Inc. (NYSE:AESI) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Bud Brigham: Maybe I’ll just make a general comment. John may have some specifics. I mean, I just think it’s really exciting where Atlas is positioned, particularly after this transaction that this basin and the shale has been a significant evolution and might be we’re in the mid — early mid-innings of this evolution to more of a factory type operation. And so it’s all about scale, and you’re seeing that on the operator side. And on the service side, we’re uniquely positioned with the scale on logistics and proppant to match the scale of the operator. So there are going to be a lot of opportunities associated with this distribution network to make operators jobs easier and to eliminate the bottlenecks, particularly on sand and the blender and we’re uniquely positioned to do that. So I just think we’re going to have a lot of opportunities to grow in other green shoots that we can even imagine now. John, do you want to add to one.

John Turner: Yes. I mean, nothing in particular other than these two companies have been — have been really the only ones that have been investing in the frac sand and logistics space significantly. And as of today, I don’t — we can’t necessarily tell you where the future growth is going to be. But I can — what I can assure you is that we’re going to continue making those investments, working with our partners, the operating partners to make sure that efficiencies on the well sites continue to improve and overall — frac pain intensity is going to continue to increase, but I mentioned that on this call. We’re going to be looking at opportunities to help our customers increase that intensity.

Bud Brigham: And Sean, real quick, you talked about growth. I think one thing we’re excited about is growth in distributions, which this acquisition certainly enhances that, so.

Sean Mitchell: Absolutely. Well, guys, thanks for the time and congrats again on the deal.

Bud Brigham: Thank you. Really appreciate it.

Operator: We have reached the end of our question-and-answer session. I would like to turn the conference back over to management for closing comments.

Bud Brigham: Yes. We want to thank everybody for joining us for this call. This is an exciting and really transformational event in our company’s history. We really look forward to following up in subsequent quarters. So thank you all very much.

John Turner : Thanks, guys.

Operator: Thank you. This does conclude today’s conference. Thank you for your participation. You may now disconnect.

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