Atlantic Union Bankshares Corporation (NASDAQ:AUB) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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David Bishop: Great. Thank you.

John Asbury: Thanks, Dave. And, Didi, we’re ready for our next caller, please.

Operator: Okay, thank you. One moment. And our next question comes from Russell Guenther of Stephens.

John Asbury: Hi, Russell. Good morning.

Russell Guenther: Good morning. I appreciate all the color on the margin. I just had a follow-up. So, as we think about the roughly 20 basis point to 25 basis point of purchase accounting contribution, how does that cadence look for next year? Is that a decent kind of run rate into ’25 or just trying to get a sense as to when that earnings contribution could begin to taper?

Rob Gorman: Yeah. So, through ’25, yeah, that’s a good estimate. We’re talking about 25 basis points in 2025. It starts to taper a bit as we get into ’26 and ’27. Of course, as you know, [indiscernible] income can be volatile depending on prepays, et cetera, but that’s our current estimate. We’re doing essentially four to five years, [indiscernible] on our loan interest rate mark is what we’re talking about.

Russell Guenther: Okay. That’s really helpful. Thank you. And then just a quick one on the loan growth outlook. So, could you give us a sense for how you’re going about investing in the Carolina markets? I think you mentioned adding some bankers there. If there’s a number you could share or general background? What the opportunity set to continue to add commercial lenders in that footprint is? And then, just lastly, is the pickup in that market ultimately enough to move you back to your mid-to-high single digit pace, or is that a general pickup in sort of the macro economy that gets you there? Thank you.

John Asbury: How about if I start, and I’ll ask David Ring to follow. First of all, we’re not talking about massive lift outs and that sort of thing. It’ll be highly selective. I do think that the North Carolina market is going to be additive to our overall growth expectations. So, in other words, I think that it gives us confidence in our guidance and probably gives us more likelihood of upside. Dave, I know we are not quite yet ready to get into too much detail, but what are your thoughts on where we’d expect to expand? I would actually before I should comment, we feel very, very good about the American National team and the bankers that we have down there. So, we think we’re going to take that and build from it.

David Ring: Yeah. We have a very talented team that we inherited from American National, but we also have a very strong commercial real estate presence in North Carolina already because of our [Charlotte] (ph) group that’s been in business for about eight years there now. And so, what we’re looking to do in North Carolina is move into the faster-growing markets and where the capital is moving. And so, we have plans and we’re executing them now. We’re just not ready to disclose what the final results are.

Russell Guenther: Understood. Well, guys, that’s it for me. Thank you for taking my question.

John Asbury: Thank you, Russell.

Bill Cimino: Thanks, Russell. And thanks, everybody, for joining us today. We look forward to talking with you in July. And, everybody, have a good quarter.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for participating. And you may now disconnect.

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