If simply 10% more of the population were to immunize themselves against the flu each year, these four companies would need to produce more than 30 million additional doses. This would be particularly beneficial for Sanofi SA (ADR) (NYSE:SNY)’s Fluzone, Novartis’ Fluvirin, and Glaxo’s vaccine and drug trio, which have predominantly ruled the flu market in 2012-2013.
The flu shot isn’t a perfect science, but it’s a collection of the best data researchers have at any given time that could help keep you out of the hospital and keep you healthier. It isn’t a cure-all, but it definitely can’t hurt your chances by getting immunized. Between the growth opportunity for vaccine makers, which could turn into a healthy investment return and better health all around, getting a flu shot never looked like a smarter idea!
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The article Is It Worth Getting a Flu Shot? The Answer May Surprise You… originally appeared on Fool.com and is written by Sean Williams.
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