Ascent Industries Co. (NASDAQ:ACNT) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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Bryan Kitchen: No, Ryan, I think you hit the nail on the head. We have a lot of runway, Matt, to generating additional gross margin, additional EBITDA through cost down initiatives. Cost down from a raw material standpoint, packaging, overhead, labor across the board. There are a lot of levers that we have at our disposal, levers that haven’t been pulled on in the past to their fullest ability. So I’d say stay tuned. Probably a little bit too early time for guidance around what to expect in the near-term. But certainly from a long-term standpoint, high double-digit EBITDA margins is certainly within reach.

Matthew Schwarz: All right. Thank you.

Operator: Thank you. At this time, this concludes our question and answer session. I would now like to turn the call back over to Mr. Kitchen for closing remarks.

Bryan Kitchen: Great. Thank you, Lateef. We’d like to thank everyone for listening to today’s call, and we look forward to speaking with each of you again when we report our first quarter 2024 results.

Operator: Ladies and gentlemen, this does conclude today’s teleconference. You may disconnect your lines at this time. Thank you for your participation.

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