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Artificial Intelligence 2023 Country Rankings: Top 20

In this article, we will look at the top 20 countries in AI. We have also discussed the latest developments in AI. If you want to skip our detailed analysis, head straight to our article: Artificial Intelligence 2023 Country Rankings: Top 5.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has permeated nearly every aspect of our lives, from the virtual assistants on our smartphones to the algorithms that power our social media feeds. AI’s impact is evident in innovations like self-driving cars, which utilize machine learning to navigate complex traffic scenarios, and facial recognition software, which is employed for security purposes and personalized advertising. AI has also been automating the agricultural industry on an unprecedented scale. To read about that, see the top 20 AI and Robotics Companies Transforming the Agriculture Sector.

What is the New in AI in 2023?

In a groundbreaking study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions 2023, AI integrated with electrocardiogram (EKG) testing demonstrated a remarkable reduction in the time to diagnose and treat heart attack patients. Conducted in a Taiwanese hospital, the technology decreased the time for diagnosis and transfer to the cardiac catheterization laboratory by almost 10 minutes, benefiting patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). AI-enabled EKGs exhibited an 88% positive predictive value and a 99.9% negative predictive value, accurately diagnosing STEMI. Notably, the AI technology reduced treatment waiting time from 52 to 43 minutes, and thus, confirmed its potential to revolutionize heart attack care by providing faster and more accurate diagnoses. The trial involved over 43,000 patients, with the AI-enabled EKGs confirming STEMI in seven hospitalized patients, compared to just one with standard care. 

Rise of AI in 2023

While we know how artificial intelligence has revolutionized several industries, it is worth highlighting that AI is now influencing the quality control in the manufacturing industry as 89% of nearly 1,800 manufacturing executives expressed the intention to implement AI in their production processes, as reported by BBC.

PepsiCo Inc (NASDAQ:PEP)’s Coventry factory exemplifies this trend as it has deployed AI-powered sensors by Augury to detect potential machine failures. These sensors, trained on over 300 million hours of machine data, analyze audio cues and vibrations to pinpoint specific malfunctions, allowing predictive maintenance and minimizing downtime. Such efficiency features are crucial, as a minute of factory downtime can cost thousands of dollars. Additionally, AI-powered computer vision is used to detect defects in products on conveyor belts, ensuring the quality of items like intricate computer chip wafers.

Speaking of PepsiCo Inc (NASDAQ:PEP), the company is also capitalizing on AI and machine learning by transforming its purchase validation process and enhancing loyalty strategies. PepsiCo Inc (NASDAQ:PEP) has slashed the time required for purchase validation from 7 to 11 days to just a few seconds by implementing receipt capture and data extraction on its JOY customer loyalty app. Partnering with tech provider Veryfi, PepsiCo Inc (NASDAQ:PEP) utilizes real-time computer vision to capture receipt images, extracting data on customer behavior, purchasing details, and competitive landscape. The automated process has led to reduced costs, increased fraud prevention, and valuable cross-basket customer data for enhanced loyalty programs.

The Hype of the Latest Artificial Intelligence Chip in 2023

NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) has introduced its latest AI chip, the HGX H200, designed to improve performance in generative AI work. The new chip has a 1.4x increase in memory bandwidth and 1.8x more memory capacity compared to its predecessor, the H100. Utilizing the new HBM3e memory spec, the H200 achieves a memory bandwidth of 4.8 terabytes per second, up from 3.35 terabytes per second on the H100, and a total memory capacity of 141GB, a major improvement from the H100’s 80GB. NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA’s H200 is expected to be in high demand, similar to the H100, with the first chips set for release in the second quarter of 2024.

However, concerns about supply constraints persist, as NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) has not provided details on production numbers. The H200’s compatibility with systems supporting H100s, and its adoption by major cloud providers like Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN), Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT), and Oracle Corp (NYSE:ORCL), is anticipated. Pricing details remain undisclosed, but the H100s were estimated to sell for $25,000 to $40,000 each, with NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) partners setting the prices. Amidst the ongoing demand for AI chips, NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) reassures that the introduction of the H200 will not impact the production of the H100, with plans to triple H100 production in 2024, aiming for up to 2 million units.

To read more about the leading companies in AI, see artificial intelligence companies in USA.

A computer screen showcasing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms at work.


For the artificial intelligence 2023 country rankings, we utilized rankings of the Global Artificial Intelligence Index 2023 from Kaggle and Tortoisemedia. We obtained the rankings of both the indexes, and averaged them for our final rankings. The list is presented in descending order of rankings. 

In case of similar ranks, the country with a higher Kaggle Index is ranked higher. 

Here is the list of the best countries in AI:

20. Spain

Kaggle AI Index: 21

Tortoise AI Index: 21

Average Rank: 21

Spain has recently introduced the first EU AI Act regulatory sandbox that will allow businesses to test AI-powered products and services. This act will encourage member states to establish AI regulatory sandboxes. The sandbox facilitates collaboration between AI system providers and users, enabling testing against AI Act requirements. Backed by the European Commission, it aims to inform regulatory compliance and technical guidance development.

19. Sweden

Kaggle AI Index: 17

Tortoise AI Index: 19

Average Rank: 18

Sweden is leading an initiative to develop a large language model for Nordic languages, such as  Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, and Faroese. The project is initiated by AI Sweden and funded by the Swedish Innovation Agency and will create language models primarily for the public sector, addressing the limited accessibility of foundation models like GPT-3, making sweden one of the top countries in artificial intelligence in 2023

18. Luxembourg

Kaggle AI Index: 18

Tortoise AI Index: 15

Average Rank: 16.5

Luxembourg-based cloud provider Gcore aims to lead the transformation of the AI in Europe. With infrastructure and platform services globally, Gcore supports different sectors like gaming, healthcare, Fintech, and media. The company plans to establish AI clusters across Europe to offer services like the Gcore Generative AI Cluster for model training. 

17. Denmark

Kaggle AI Index: 16

Tortoise AI Index: 14

Average Rank: 15

Denmark has showcased major developments in AI, exemplified by a study at Arhus University. Utilizing deep learning and facial analysis, researchers trained a neural network on 4,647 images from the 2017 municipal elections, achieving 61% accuracy in predicting political leanings. Denmark is one of the most advanced countries in artificial intelligence

16. Ireland

Kaggle AI Index: 19

Tortoise AI Index: 12

Average Rank: 15.5

Uniphore and Workair have collaborated to bring enterprise AI to Ireland with a focus to improve the capabilities of contact centers. Workair will capitalize on Uniphore’s X Platform and AI solutions like conversational AI, generative AI, knowledge AI, and emotion AI, to enable clients in deploying customer-centric solutions. 

15. India

Kaggle AI Index: 14

Tortoise AI Index: 17

Average Rank: 15.5

One of the biggest examples of India’s leadership in AI is that Air India is launching the world’s first virtual AI agent, ‘Maharaja.’ Powered by Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s Azure OpenAI service, Maharaja handles over 6,000 daily queries across 1,300 areas in four languages. It successfully answers 80% of queries in seconds and reduces the need for human intervention. India is one of the countries developing top AI tools.

14. Japan

Kaggle AI Index: 12

Tortoise AI Index: 16

Average Rank: 14

Japanese automakers Honda, Sony Honda Mobility (SHM), and Subaru are incorporating generative AI into their vehicle designs. Honda introduced the Sustaina-C Concept, a small EV, using image-generative AI at the Japan Mobility Show. Toyota is also exploring image-generative AI for car design. Sony Honda Mobility plans to use generative AI’s large language model to develop an autonomous driving system and ADAS for its EV Afeela, aiming to launch in 2025. Japan is often considered among the best countries for artificial intelligence jobs.

13. Switzerland

Kaggle AI Index: 9

Tortoise AI Index: 18

Average Rank: 13.5

The dominance of Switzerland in AI can be judged from the latest developments in the country as the Swiss security firm Securitas AG is deploying an autonomous robot developed by ETH Zurich’s robotics start-up Ascento. The two-wheeled patrol bot with foldable “legs” and wheels acts as an additional security layer, using a thermal camera and a 360° camera to detect people and vehicles. It communicates with a control center via live feed and aims to improve operational efficiency. 

12. Australia

Kaggle AI Index: 15

Tortoise AI Index: 11

Average Rank: 13

As reported by reuters, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) plans to invest $3.2 billion in Australia over two years to improve the country’s artificial intelligence and cloud computing capabilities. Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) will increase its computing capacity in Australia by 250%, expand its data center footprint from 20 to 29 sites, and support skills training for 300,000 Australians. Australia is also one of the most advanced countries in engineering

11. France

Kaggle AI Index: 13

Tortoise AI Index: 10

Average Rank: 11.5

France is aggressively trying to position itself as Europe’s artificial intelligence hub. President Emmanuel Macron stated that France is currently the leading AI player in continental Europe, vowing major investments in training and research. Despite the United States being recognized as the AI leader, France aims to bridge the gap and develop a more competitive edge. 

10. Finland

Kaggle AI Index: 10 

Tortoise AI Index: 13

Average Rank: 11.5

Finland is a frontrunner in AI research, boasting cutting-edge expertise and a vibrant startup ecosystem rooted in universities. Major companies have dedicated AI development units, and startups thrive in sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, and business services. The country attracts global players like Inc (NASDAQ:AMZN) and NVIDIA Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA), contributing to Helsinki’s ranking as the 20th best emerging startup ecosystem. Finland is one of the top countries in artificial intelligence.

9. Netherlands

Kaggle AI Index: 11

Tortoise AI Index: 8

Average Rank: 9.5

The Netherlands is developing its own large language model (LLM), GPT-NL, as an alternative to proprietary AI chatbots such as ChatGPT. This initiative aims to provide a transparent, fair, and verifiable model, addressing concerns about ethical standards in AI development. In contrast to the closed processes in Silicon Valley, GPT-NL will be an open-source model, allowing public scrutiny of its underlying software and decision-making processes. It is one of the top European countries in artificial intelligence in 2023.

8. Germany

Kaggle AI Index: 8

Tortoise AI Index: 9

Average Rank: 8.5

Germany plans to nearly double its public funding for artificial intelligence (AI) research to nearly a billion euros ($1.1 billion) over the next two years, aiming to close the skills gap with China and the United States. Moreover, owing to the quality of education and artificial intelligence inventions in the country, Germany is often considered one of the best countries to study artificial intelligence. 

7. South Korea

Kaggle AI Index: 6

Tortoise AI Index: 7

Average Rank: 6.5

In Seoul, AI-driven virtual humans like Zaein, created by an AI company called Pulse9, are becoming mainstream. Zaein, a deepfake with a body composed of similar-sized actors, performs tasks like singing and selling luxury clothes on TV. Pulse9, an AI company, aims to fulfill corporate ideals of the perfect employee. They’ve crafted digital humans for major South Korean conglomerates, projecting a global market for such creations to hit $527 billion by 2030.

6. Israel

Kaggle AI Index: 5

Tortoise AI Index: 7

Average Rank: 6

In just five months, the number of Israeli generative AI startups increased from 67 to 144 by September 2023 with a two fold increase, as reported by Remagine Ventures, a Tel Aviv-based venture firm. By September 21, the Israeli Gen AI industry had amassed $2.3 billion in funding. These startups operate across several generative applications, spanning text, code, visual media, and video generation, with a presence in verticals like gaming, entertainment, education, commerce, health, and life sciences. 

Click here to see Artificial Intelligence 2023 Country Rankings: Top 5.

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Disclosure: None. Artificial Intelligence 2023 Country Rankings: Top 20  is originally published on Insider Monkey.

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Should I put my money in Artificial Intelligence?

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