Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:ARWR) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Mani Foroohar : Can I ask one quick follow-up on that second half of that question? For HeFH in particular, how do you think about the appropriate patient population to study? There are a number of approved therapies out there, PCSK9-targeting and otherwise. But the universe of available therapies varies pretty wildly across geographies, not just an approval is of actual availability of patients, given reimbursement, et cetera, and real-life barriers. So how do you think about the strategy between pursuing a study focused in areas where patients don’t really have access to approved therapies versus a study an add-on with approved therapies to allow you to access the U.S. and Western European market with more real world relevant data?

Like how do you balance those two? Would you do two CVOTs, would you do two HeFH studies, is there someone to capture the two in one larger multi-arm study? Help me think about how you strategize and think about the likely outcomes for that path forward in that indication.

Christopher Anzalone: Yes. Again, this will be unbiased fine answer to you, and I apologize. But until we start to have these interactions with the regulators, it’s hard for us to know what — it’s hard for us to give you a good answer on that. Again, keep in mind that we’re still — we still finished that study yet. We wanted to tell the Street as quickly as we could, where we think we can apply these two drugs. I think we’ve done that, but we’re not yet ready to talk about how we would roll this out, where we’d roll this out, what sorts of studies would support these kind of these of populations until we start to have those interactions.

Operator: And I am showing no further questions. I would now like to turn the call back over to Chris Anzalone for closing remarks.

Christopher Anzalone: Thanks, everyone, for joining us today. I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving holiday and have a nice larger holiday season. I apologize for the technical difficulties mid-call today, but we will talk to you soon.

Operator: This concludes today’s conference call. Thank you for participating. You may now disconnect.

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