Aquestive Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:AQST) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Thomas Flaten: And then you mentioned earlier that with a salesforce of 80 to 100, you could hit the top five deciles. Was that based on specialty or was that just EpiPen prescribing period, regardless of whether it was specialty or primary care.

Dan Barber: My understanding from the deciling that we have seen is diabetes that is across the universe. So, look, there are a couple of non-allergy, non-pediatric call points that would just be high prescribers that are baked in there to some degree, but very minor. But no, that’s a decile look.

Thomas Flaten: Got it. Appreciate it. Thanks so much.

Operator: Thank you. I am showing no further questions. I would like to turn the call back over to Dan for closing remarks.

Dan Barber: Thank you, Michelle. And thank you, everyone, for joining us today. I couldn’t be happier with where we are as a company right now. We’re in a great place. And we are focused on the execution of our business plan as we’ve shared with you. We have a variety of, what we believe, are important milestones between now and our Q2 earnings call in August. And we look forward to keeping you updated over the next several months. With that, I will close the call.

Operator: Thank you for your participation. This does conclude the program, and you may now disconnect. Everyone, have a great day.

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