Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s Enterprise Assault

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“I want to be very clear,” new Microsoft CFO Amy Hood said in the conference call. “We know we have to do better, particularly on mobile devices.” Judging by the performance of Microsoft’s stock since its earnings report, investors seem to agree.

The Foolish bottom line
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s ability to maintain its lead in the enterprise mobile device market will be a key determinant of the company’s long-term success. But will Apple be able to fend off Google’s Android assault? Will Microsoft rebound from its missteps and begin to take share in this vital market?

The article Apple’s Enterprise Assault originally appeared on

Joe Tenebruso manages a Real-Money Portfolio for The Motley Fool and is an analyst on the Fool’s Stock Advisor and Supernova premium service teams. You can connect with him on Twitter: @Tier1Investor. Joe has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool recommends Apple and Google and owns shares of Apple, General Electric, Google, and Microsoft.

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