Apple Inc. (AAPL) News: Super Bowl, a $600K Cup of Joe & Siri Discussions

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Editor’s Note: Related tickers: Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY), Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO), Seagate Technology PLC (NASDAQ:STX), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)

Tech giants put up $30 million for Super Bowl bid (BizJournals)
A group of big Bay Area companies – including Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG), Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC), Yahoo! Inc. (NASDAQ:YHOO) and Seagate Technology PLC (NASDAQ:STX) – have given a total of about $30 million to the Bay Area Super Bowl Bid Committee. The funding puts the committee $5 million ahead of its goal, according to the San Jose Mercury News. The funding would be used for “police overtime, free public events and expanded transportation options” along with some donations to nonprofits, according to the report.

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)

BlackBerry Declines After Move to Open Up BBM Messaging (BusinessWeek)
Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) fell the most in more than a month after announcing plans to open up its BBM instant-messaging system to other smartphones, a move that loosens the company’s grip on one of its most valuable services. …Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) Chief Executive Officer Thorsten Heins said today the company will begin offering BBM as a free application on Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s iPhone and devices running Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG)’s Android. The move is a gamble for the smartphone marker, said Steven Li, an analyst at Raymond James in Toronto. While it increases the reach of the service, which has more than 60 million users, it’s not clear how Research In Motion Ltd (NASDAQ:BBRY) will make money.

Bidding on coffee with Apple’s Tim Cook reaches $600,000 (CNN)
Bidding for a chance to chat over coffee with Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s chief executive has surpassed $600,000, according to online-auction site Charity Buzz, which began accepting bids about three weeks ago. The auction closes Tuesday at 4 pm ET. Proceeds from the auction will go to The RFK Center for Justice and Human Rights, an international nonprofit founded as a memorial to Robert F. Kennedy by his family and friends.

Siri tells users: Get to the point (CNet)
If you’re the type of person who asks long-winded questions, Siri would like to change your ways. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s server-powered software assistant is now telling users to trim down questions that are too long or otherwise complicated — a move that iLounge suggests is to retrain how users interact with the service versus an actual human being. If Siri deems your question verbose, the software will serve up quotes that suggest brevity, a comedic — though also passive-aggressive — move…

Apple Plans To Add Samsung Galaxy S4 To Next Patent Suit (Law360)
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) on Monday told the California federal court overseeing its patent dispute with Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. that it believed Samsung’s newest smartphone, the Galaxy S4, infringes its patents and should be added to the case. The iPad maker said in a filing that it had analyzed the new device, which went on sale in late April, and “has concluded that it is an infringing device and accordingly intends to move for leave to add the Galaxy S4 as an infringing product.”

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