Cupertino-based Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is slowly becoming a heavyweight in the reinvention business having taken a niche product from Samsung and Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) and reinvented it to what remains the talk of the town in the name of Apple Watch. During an interview with CNBC, Re/Code Editor, Katie Boehret, reiterated that Apple’s ecosystem that allows for seamless integration between the watch and iPhones should be a game changer in positioning Apple Watch as a must have wearable.
The giant hardware company has already made known its case, on why consumers need to buy Apple Watch that is to come with a chunk of capabilities while still acting as a health and fitness tracker and a fashion accessory.
“This is a classic example of what Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) does best. They take a category that already exists, you know we already have a lot of Android watches that are already out there from Motorola and others. [..] But this are really not catching on and Apple is happy to come along and say, hey we know how to handle this business, and we can show you where you need to use this product and how it would work,” said Mrs. Boehret.
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s wearable is being positioned as a fashion accessory coming in different models with price range that should address different market niches. The health and fitness aspect of the watch should be another interesting front for the watch according to Boehret. As it works with third party apps without being a nag with constant irritating notifications of what one might be doing wrong.
Apple watch gains an advantage over other products already in the market as Apple designed it as a fashion accessory and not as another tech savvy gadget. The gadget is more of clothing and fashion rather than technology.
The watch, however, works only with the latest versions of the iPhone something that is expected to affect its mass market appeal. On the other hand, users will not need to carry their phone everywhere they go as the watch enjoys seamless integration over Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
“You can go for a run with your watch on, come home, and find your phone at home and all your data will transfer over to your phone. That means you won’t have to bring your phone to the gym,” said Mrs. Boehret.
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