Apple Extended Warranty: When you purchase an Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) device, the last thing on your mind is something going wrong. After all, you want to enjoy your device rather think about what could happen in the future. Fortunately for Australian consumers, they will now have access to a longer warranty.
Most people are familiar with the standard Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) 12 month warranty. However, this is not the way things are going to be working in Australia any longer.
According to an article by The Sydney Morning Herald, “Apple’s Australian stores will now fix faulty iPhones, iPads and Macs under warranty if they were purchased in the past two years.”
Why the change, you may ask? Well, it appears that the Cupertino-based company’s Australian warranty conflicted with Australian consumer law.
Last week, Apple stores in the country, along with resellers, were notified of the change to the policy as well as how they should handle claims in the future.
Note: the law in Europe in similar, with stores required to offer a two year warranty.
Here is more from the same Sydney Morning Herald article:
“Until now, many Apple consumers have reported on forums that store staff have only ever discussed with them a standard 12-month manufacturer warranty when selling, fixing or replacing Apple goods.”
“Apple has now changed this from 12 months to 24, which appears to bring it in line with Australian Consumer Law.”
With all this in mind, it appears that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is not too happy about sharing this information with consumers. Here is more from the article:
“One email Fairfax Media has seen, which was circulated within an Australian Apple store, told staff not to talk to customers about the detail of Apple’s new policy.”
As of late, many companies, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), have been hit with lawsuits and fines for a variety of reasons. It is good to see that Apple has made this change to stay in line with Australian consumer law.
Check back here for more updates on Apple Extended Warranty.
DISCLOSURE: I have no positions in any stock mentioned.
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