Sticking with the auto space, Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) was another of Einhorn’s ten largest holdings by market value and currently boasts a PEG ratio of 0.7. This is based on the auto parts manufacturer currently trading at a fairly low trailing earnings multiple, but with EPS expected to rise considerably in the short to medium term (the forward P/E is only 10). However, net income was down 19% last quarter compared to the first quarter of 2012. Billionaire John Paulson cut his stake in Delphi Automotive PLC (NYSE:DLPH) last quarter but his hedge fund Paulson & Co. still owned 8.7 million shares (research more stocks Paulson owned).
Einhorn and his team disclosed ownership of 9.4 million shares of NCR Corporation (NYSE:NCR), the $5.2 billion market cap provider of self-service kiosks (including ATMs) and point of sale terminals (the company used to be known as National Cash Register). Revenue and earnings were up at double-digit rates in the first quarter of 2013 versus a year earlier. Even with the current valuation already incorporating expectations of high growth, the PEG ratio is 0.8. D.E. Shaw, managed by billionaire David Shaw, added shares during the first quarter of the year.
At the Ira Sohn conference in May, Einhorn made a long case for Oil States International, Inc. (NYSE:OIS), an oilfield service company. He claimed that, according to a sum of the parts valuation, the company is undervalued- and acknowledged that activist Barry Rosenstein’s JANA Partners had somewhat beaten him to the punch with that fund’s recent call for Oil States International, Inc. (NYSE:OIS) to spin out its oilfield accommodations business as a real estate investment trust. Read more about Einhorn’s recommendation of Oil States. Greenlight initiated a position of 2.7 million shares between January and March, and the stock’s PEG ratio is currently 0.8.
Disclosure: I own no shares of any stocks mentioned in this article.