Comparing different companies’ price to earnings ratios is usually only useful within industries. Some industries are cyclical, some industries are carried by a few growth stories, and some see most profits from unevenly spaced long term investments. The technology industry is known for sky high P/E’s, while the cyclical mining and industrial manufacturing industries are known for single digit P/E’s. To put Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s current valuation in perspective, I compare it with industrial stocks carrying similar valuations. Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s post-earnings drop brought its P/E to just below 10 and its price-to-book ratio to 3.5, making it so cheap by technology sector standards that it is now comparable to the oil or manufacturing sectors.
Caterpillar Inc. (NYSE:CAT) is another huge industrial blue chip with valuations similar to those of Apple. Caterpillar just reported a 55% fall in profits from a year ago and its valuations, like Apple’s, reflect ample uncertainty about the company’s future profitability. However, Caterpillar’s 11.6 P/E and 3.6 price-to-book come in slightly higher than Apple’s, though its price-to-cash-flow is lower at 6.9. Furthermore, Caterpillar appears to be better at retaining shareholder value than Apple: in the past six months, Caterpillar’s share price increased 20%, while Apple’s dove 25%.
General Motors Company (NYSE:GM) has had nearly the opposite trajectory of Apple: while Apple was churning out blockbuster quarters and revolutionizing its sector, General Motors was filing for bankruptcy and taking a publicly-funded bail out. General Motors has taken off, rising 43% in the last six months; Apple has fallen 25% in the same period. While moving in opposite directions price-wise, the companies’ valuations are pretty similar: General Motors has a 10.5 P/E but much lower price-to-book and price-to-cash-flow ratios, at 1.5 and 4.8, respectively. Also, General Motors has still not reinstated a dividend.
After several as-expected quarters, Apple is priced well below technology sector standards. Google Inc (NASDAQ:GOOG) trades at a P/E of 23, while Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) stands at 58 – and neither pay dividends. Even Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) has higher metrics than Apple, with a P/E of 15 and a tangible book value of 4.2. Apple’s valuations have fallen far enough that Apple’s financial ratios are more in line with industrial blue chips than with other technology stocks. Do you think Apple has earned its new peers? Is the technology sector as a whole overvalued? Or is Apple effectively on sale?
The article Apple Is Valued like an Oil Company originally appeared on and is written by Calla Hummel.
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