Apple Inc. (AAPL)…China Snafu: Epic Fail or No Big Deal?

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By Tuesday, Chinese media seemed to be ending their attack on Apple, praising the company for its quick apology and its promise to improve its warranty policies. Media outlets rightly noted that Apple is incredibly customer-friendly compared to other American companies operating in China (not to mention Chinese-owned companies).

Catastrophe averted — for now
It is too soon to say for sure what the ultimate impact of this incident will be. However, the worst-case scenario proposed by Yeung (the Citigroup analyst) seems far-fetched, to say the least. The growing acceptance of Apple’s apology among news outlets that were fierce critics just a few days ago makes it unlikely that a broad-based Apple boycott will take hold. In fact, this episode may ultimately prove beneficial for Apple, as it highlighted the company’s customer-friendly attitude, which differentiates it from many global companies doing business in China.

The article Apple’s China Snafu: Epic Fail, or No Big Deal? originally appeared on and is written by Adam Levine-Weinberg.

Fool contributor Adam Levine-Weinberg owns shares of Apple and Hewlett-Packard. The Motley Fool recommends Apple. The Motley Fool owns shares of Apple and Citigroup.

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