One of the keys to a successful company is a motivated, happy and goal-oriented team of employees, particularly at a tech giant like Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). In order to achieve this, some companies adopt a bunch of policies and incentives meant to satisfy their employee’s needs, like discount cards, or paid holidays. At the same time, other companies try to create a great working atmosphere by building a cool headquarters, which features many opportunities for workers to engage in various activities aside work.
So, since we mentioned Apple let’s take a closer look at the plans for their new headquarters building in Cupertino. After Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) announced it is going to build a new headquarters, last year it submitted the project “Apple Campus 2” to the Cupertino city council. The pearl of the site is the new HQ building, which has a futuristic design and looks more like a spaceship than a 21st century structure.
According to the project description, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL)’s headquarters will represent a four story building, where up to 12,000 employees will work, the whole space amounting to approximately 2.8 million square feet. The construction of the whole site is expected to be completed by 2016.
(Apple’s current HQ), Photo Credit: Karl Baron
At the same time, aside from pursuing the goal of developing an innovative and beautiful campus and assuring security and privacy, which is necessary for the invention of new products, Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is also planning to build an environment-friendly site. The company plans to do this by maximizing the provision of green space, reaching a net zero energy development by building energy-efficient buildings, and producing a large amount of energy from on-site renewable sources, while minimizing the use of portable water via capturing rain water and recycled water.
We should also mention that Apple has adopted a construction protocol, under which alternative clean-burning fuels will be used, together with fuel-efficient vehicles and emission reduction measures. Some other details are still being processed.
With that being said, let’s take a look at some other blueprints of the new Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) headquarters.
Check them out on the following pages: