There is an interesting analytical tool out there, created by Topeka Capital Markets analyst Brian White. He call it the “Apple Monitor,” as it supposedly helps him track what is going on with Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). The “Apple Monitor” is making news because White’s tool revealed some striking numbers that may portend a huge month of September for the company.
The “Apple Monitor” is a tool that tracks suppliers who make the parts that make up the various products created by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL). According to White, his “Monitor” reported a month-over-month increase of 14 percent in July, what he calls the “best July on record,” which outpaced the normal 8.5 percent month-over-month growth as tracked over the last seven years. White said in his analysis, “We believe this strength reflects the Apple supply chain ramping up production of new products for Apple that are expected to launch this September.” White even goes so far as to say the “Monitor” indicates that September could be the “largest product launch in the company’s history,” as he postulated not only the launch of iPhone 5, but possibly the iPad Mini also being shipped to stores during the month.
Last July, for comparison, the “Monitor” recorded a 7 percent increase over June 2011. Last year, the iPhone 4 launched in October.
While this tool is not a end-all, be-all (it is a tool used in conjunction with othe metrics White uses to develop his analysis of the company), it does give some clues. As an example, in June the Monitor showed a 13 percent dip in sales for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), and the following month the company reported earnings that missed targets, blamed mainly on sluggish iPhone sales.
So if this “Apple Monitor” is accurate to within any reasonable measure, it’s possible that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) cold be bought on the cheap now – because it appears an uptick is coming. Maybe in September. That gives a good deadline for some hedge funds to change their positions, as Apple Inc. is one of the most popular positions in technology for billionaire hedge-fund managers (see these billionaires’ top stocks).