Ampco-Pittsburgh Corporation (NYSE:AP) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Dennis Scannel : Okay.

Michael McAuley: We do have higher sales.

Dennis Scannel : Yeah. Right right. Right.

Michael McAuley: And no, and prime and it depends on the outlook for 2024, for inventory, because it would – because long cycle times in the roll business, especially, you got to build ahead. So I think it depends on where 2024 shaking out as we get through the year. But our challenge is to control the working capital.

Dennis Scannel : Absolutely. Good. Excellent. Okay, great. Thank you very much.

Michael McAuley: Okay. Thanks. Dennis.

Operator: This concludes our Question-and-Answer-Session. I would like to turn the conference back over to Brett McBrayer for any closing remarks.

Brett McBrayer : Thank you Betsy. I’m encouraged by our progress over the past year toward our goal of $450 million in revenue and double-digit EBITDA margins. The completion of our capital equipment investment in the US this year will be a significant enabler, as well as the growth initiatives we have underway in Air & Liquid Systems. I want to thank our employees for the tremendous work and dedication as we continue to transform Ampco-Pittsburgh. I also want to thank our shareholders and our Board for your continued support of our efforts. We are confident in the actions we are taking in our expectations for much improved performance in our businesses. Thank you for joining our call this morning.

Operator: The conference is now concluded. Thank you for attending today’s presentation. You may now disconnect

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