Amneal Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NYSE:AMRX) Q1 2024 Earnings Call Transcript

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Chris Schott: Just a couple for me. Maybe first on biosimilar Prolia and XGEVA. Can you just elaborate a little bit more on the opportunity for these two. And maybe just specifically launch timelines in light of the recent Sandoz settlement, and of the two brands, is it either more interesting to you than the other, just given obviously different market dynamics between the two of them. Second question, naloxone, between the public market and retail channel, what are you seeing as the bigger opportunity and does the opioid settlement at all impact how you think about that? Kust finally, AvKARE, obviously great performance here, but just interested in your latest thoughts on potential to monetize that business and how you’re thinking about that.

Chintu Patel: Let’s start with biosimilars, Prolia and XGEVA, we are equipped to sell in both channels, the onco channel as well as PBM. We expect the launch in 2026, maybe a bit early. We will see how the filing – I think one is early, one is going to be a little bit later. And we expect. We expect the market penetration to be very good because we already have established relationship and by then we’ll have more established relationship with the community oncology groups as well as the hospital groups and contracting PBMs, relationship overall. So we expect to generate a good [indiscernible] should go well above $100 million for these products. Your second question on naloxone, the retail side is slow, the government is where most of the demand is state-wise.

Retail is probably 10%, 20%. We already have contracts with CBS and Walgreens to supply them and already have supplied them, both of them. And government is the State of California, biggest state we get. We are working with other major states, obviously our home states. And we should be getting more business from government and this opportunity will become really big. And our settlement does not really impact if you do the math, which Tony can follow up with you later on. There’s very little of products which we have 10 million capacity, so no issue whatsoever. And AvKARE, as we have said it earlier, strategic options are open, the business is performing really well. We’re not in the rush to do anything. If we get the right price, we will transact.

And delever massively, we’ll pay down the gross debt in a huge amount, which – it’s been a great acquisition for us. And either way, we’re fine with the AvKARE.

Operator: Thank you. We have no further questions, so I will hand back over to Chirag Patel to conclude the call. Thank you. Thank you. So Q1 was an outstanding start to 2024 as the momentum builds across all areas of our diversified business. Our recent naloxone launch is the latest example. And at Amneal, we love what we do. And our teams are fired up, high momentum across the company in – all over United States, Ireland, all over India. And we just could not be even more excited for overall the health and the performance of our company. So thank you everyone and have a great day.

End of Q&A:

Operator: Thank you, Chirag. This concludes today’s call. Thank you for joining. You may now disconnect your lines.

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