AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. (NYSE:AMN) Q1 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

Andre Childress: Okay. Great. Thank you. And then, the language services business continues to see a lot of really great strength. How do you view the opportunities in that space? And how large could that business ultimately become?

Cary Grace: We take it from a general standpoint. So we really love that business for a number of reasons. One is if you look at the biggest macro trend. One in five patients coming in are not going to speak English as their primary language. And so that demographic is incredibly compelling. The other piece of it is when you look at how you really create optimized workforces and health systems, — they have a very strong desire to be patient-centric, and a part of that is a language services. This gives them an ability to do that literally across hundreds of languages in a very cost-effective way without having to schedule multiple language clinicians during some of those shifts. So we love it for an overall match against macro demographics as well as how we can serve our clients and patients well.

And obviously, culturally, we have a huge diversity and inclusion focus, which that also aligns very nicely too. If you look at the overall growth that they have seen, we expect for that business to continue to grow. Right now, we see we still continue to see demand in interest in that space. And a big area of focus for us there is how we continue to build out and scale the business, particularly among different languages to be able to meet that demand.

Andre Childress: Great. Thank you. And I guess transitioning over to some capital allocation and strategy questions. I guess the first quick one will be, could you provide some more details on the accelerated buyback program, particularly on the timing?

Jeff Knudson: Yes. So we plan to enter into that in the coming days. Andre, and the size of that would be $200 million. But we would — it will be a second quarter events and then completed over a number of months, but at the outside by the midpoint of the fourth quarter.

Andre Childress: Great. And Cary, you spoke about some of the leadership changes, some of the initiatives to accelerate the businesses. Could you provide a little bit more color on some of those initiatives? And what are you most excited about?

Cary Grace: Yes. So I celebrated my five-month anniversary at AMN this week. And what I committed to all of you when I joined was that I was going to spend and very quickly get a sense of the market, talking to our clients, our clinicians, all of you and really better understanding what AMN’s opportunities were as we enter this next chapter of growth. The announcements that I made today are really intended to emphasize our focus around three areas that I think are going to be critical for us in the coming years. One is, it is incredibly clear that clients focus is really around how do I build a sustainable workforce. There is increased utilization demand. There is into the intermediate term, you could argue into the long-term constraints on clinician supply.

And they’re looking for partners, who are going to help them be able to very broadly think about different levers and different ways that they can create sustainability, broadly speaking, in their workforces. That is a huge priority, as we think about some of the changes that we made. One — the other one is we want to grow our business is on AMN. I talked about this in the last call where we have a broad range of over 20 solutions. We do a very good job of talking to clients about them. We haven’t done as good of a job of seamlessly integrating them for the benefit of our clients, which will be an area of focus for us. And the last piece is we really want to position and highlight our tech-enabled solutions. And so one of the detriments of having strong MSP programs is under an MSP, many times, our clients don’t see our technology that we have underneath it.

We have phenomenal technology that we have continued to invest in and we want to make sure that we are highlighting across the board, all of our tech-enabled solutions. So we have these three imperatives as we are making the changes. And so if you look at the realignment that I did, we have a focus with a Chief Revenue Officer, and we have an outstanding leader in Pat McCall, who came into that role. We have a dedicated Chief Business Officer where we are going to focus not just on our own AMN corporate growth strategy, but importantly, helping our clients be able to develop a sustainable workforce. Meredith Lapointe coming over from really helping build the Healthcare Mackenzie practice at McKinsey over the past 16 years, but also her focus on sustainable workforce we think it’s going to really accelerate our game in that area.

And then finally, having Nishan, who has been our Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer and responsible for our M&A go over and lead in a dedicated way our technology workforce solutions, is going to accelerate growth in all those areas. So we have strong leadership alignment around key areas of focus for us. And we are doing the same internally around how we continue to prioritize our one AMN initiative.