American Software, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMSWA) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript

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And even the teams know they need to go in with a justification, but they don’t have a solid backing behind it. They don’t have the confidence and the backbone to show why they are going to get the return on investment and what’s the assurance behind getting that return on investment. And is the organization ready to make the investment of people and resources and can they really pivot and will the user community adopt it? Those are the kind of pushback the financial folks, the executives that are making the approvals on these projects. Once the confidence that the return will actually come and so it’s probably more of a debate about the confidence and risk of getting a return than it is about whether there’s a number on the table that justifies the funding that they are going to have, because they always — they know they need to have a multiple of return on investment, but it’s that confidence factor.

So hopefully that adds a little more insight to the kind of pushback and the challenge. When times get tight, they push on every lever. Do we have the people? Is there data ready? Is — are you sure we are going to get that return? Is our user community going to be able to adopt it? So they are looking for any inkling that maybe I can just keep that money in my pocket instead of putting it out there on the table on this project right now. Does that help, Matthew?

Matthew Galinko: It does. Thank you.

Allan Dow: Yeah.

Operator: [Operator Instructions]

Allan Dow: Okay. Thank you very much.

Operator: It appears we have no further questions.

Allan Dow: Okay. Well, thank you very much. Thank you everyone for joining us this afternoon. We certainly appreciate the time joining us late in the day and we encourage you to have a good evening and we will talk to you again soon.

Operator: This does conclude today’s program. Thank you for your participation and you may disconnect at any time.

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