American Resources Corporation (NASDAQ:AREC) Q4 2022 Earnings Call Transcript

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Mark Jensen: No, I mean, I will say that I mean, the $45 million is built in quite a bit of contingency. Also, the ability for near-term revenue growth, revenue generation during the development phases of that, we actually think we can be in revenue very quickly. They’re even during the phase of development and offset those costs. I actually believe that I mean, $45 million is €“ would be extremely well capitalized, especially with €“ there is a lot of infrastructure, we are already setting aside rebuilding and ready to deliver over to the complex. What we are doing by doing that is we are offsetting we are de-risking it for ourselves and the tax incentive of investor to tax amount investors by doing those moves already.

We have already started investing into that equipment. We have already started investing in the infrastructure. Now if we redeploy the infrastructure over from Wyoming, it’s going to be extremely de risked investor and de-risks deal for both us and our taxes and bond investors. And that’s a good thing more higher likelihood for success and monetizing the asset getting the assets online for the long-term.

Mike Niehuser: Got it. And as far as that goes, it seems like it’s going to be a real sexy project, if you can say that about a carbon producer. But if what’s your sense about closing that, that bond building and being able to move into production? Is that the €˜24 production are you looking at?

Mark Jensen: No, I mean, I think it can be €“ I am going to be caveat this. I don’t control the bond markets. I mean, we had how many banks just failed what a month ago, not even, so there is people like to sometimes hold me to timeframes on certain things outside my control. But this one is when the bond markets are fully open, and when we €“ and I think our advisors hilltop are doing a phenomenal job, I mean, world class team over there, fully understand this environment. There were navigating and we want to make sure we put a good deal in place with good investors and but right now it’s an extremely attractive mind to bring online I mean, our customers are beating down the road we have off takes that are very interested in that there’s numerous all takes we can go to select some of the legacy mining companies around the region also have expressed interest in desire for that product.

So it’s €“ we want to we want to get it online quickly. But we’re also want to make sure we do navigate the current market environment. And I think what we’re seeing now is I mean, even with unemployment rates, climbing today, I think the interest rate environment is probably stabilizing, which is a good thing. That’s the most important thing to get a tax bond done over the last 5 months it would have been nearly impossible just because that’s what killed those banks, right, with rising interest rates and pricing deals below it. So we are starting to get pretty good environment for it.

Mike Niehuser: Once market stabilized €“ sorry for interrupting, Mark, apologize, once they stabilize in pretty much closure would be imminent at that point, I am wondering and then how long to build and start seeing some benefit from Washington County or Wyoming County?

Mark Jensen: Yes, I mean, we are going to mobilize quickly. We have already narrowed it down on the development team that’s going to be up there. Our current operating team, led by Tarlis Thompson had been to the site numerous times already doing the engineering planning phases of it. I think it’ll be €“ it would be months, not years, not quarters before we start moving dirt there, it’d be days I think before €“ we will probably start moving dirt. They are here in the near-term anyways, even before it closes.

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