Amarin Corporation plc (ADR) (AMRN): This Drugmaker Should Go Fishing for a Marketing Partner

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Let’s not forget that GlaxoSmithKline plc (ADR) (NYSE:GSK)‘s Lovaza rules this space. In 2012, Lovaza generated about $923 million in sales for Glaxo, with revenue increasing 5% from 2011. Despite owning a lion’s share of the fish oil market, less disposable income for consumers because of austerity measures in Europe, and a weak U.S. economy, has resulted in fewer doctor visits and, thus, a declining overall market for adjunctive prescription-based fish oil therapies year-over-year.

With competition mounting, the economy not cooperating, and Vascepa’s launch proving mediocre, at best, I think now is the time for Amarin Corporation plc (ADR) (NASDAQ:AMRN) to swallow its pride and seek out a marketing partner.

Amarin’s perfect match
I know what you’re probably thinking: Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) (NYSE:ELN) would make the perfect match here following comments made by its Chairman Robert Ingram during the company’s annual meeting that, “Vascepa was an opportunity they are considering.” However, even with Elan’s boatload of cash on hand, and desperate desire to replenish its pipeline, I think a better partner is waiting in the wings.

Instead of Elan Corporation, plc (ADR) (NYSE:ELN), I feel the struggling Forest Laboratories, Inc. (NYSE:FRX) would be the most qualified marketing partner to help Vascepa sales soar. Forest Labs is being hit hard by patent expirations, but would bring an experienced marketing staff to the table. In addition, it already has two FDA-approved cardiovascular drugs in Bystolic and Tiazac, which both work to treat high blood pressure. Partnering with Amarin would further strengthen its cardiovascular product offerings and help remove some of the marketing uncertainty and high costs currently plaguing Amarin’s share price.

The article This Drugmaker Should Go Fishing for a Marketing Partner originally appeared on and is written by Sean Williams.

Fool contributor Sean Williams has no material interest in any companies mentioned in this article. You can follow him on CAPS under the screen name TMFUltraLong, track every pick he makes under the screen name TrackUltraLong, and check him out on Twitter, where he goes by the handle @TMFUltraLong.The Motley Fool owns shares of Dendreon.

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