The Dow’s biggest loser for the second consecutive week is Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) ., adding a 4.87% loss to its 7.84% drop two weeks ago. Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ)’s big fall this past week came after IDC reported that personal-computer sales during the first quarter of 2013 had dropped by 13.9%. Most market participants had expected a decline, but it had been estimated that sales would drop only 7.7%, so this report really took many by surprise.
After having an awful 2012, and despite two weeks of massive declines, shares of Hewlett-Packard Company (NYSE:HPQ) are still up more than 46% year to date, while the Dow itself has risen only 13.44%. With the company in the midst of a turnaround, signs had been pointing in the right direction, but the IDC report really put the brakes on the stock, and now that shares have fallen massively for two consecutive weeks, they may have a way to fall before slowing down.
And the last loser of the week was Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA), as shares lost 0.24% of their value. While the company’s most recent earnings report, which came out on Monday, wasn’t terrible, it was by no means great. Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA) did manage to beat analysts’ estimates on earnings, as net income rose by 58%, and the company earned $0.11 per share, beating estimates of $0.08. But revenue fell by 3% to $5.83 billion and below estimates of $5.91 billion.
While it’s always nice to see a beat on the bottom line, with a company like Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA), investors really want to see a beat on the top line as well. The company has been hurt over the past year as the price of aluminum continues to fall, putting downward pressure on revenue. And while it’s clear that management tightened the belt this past quarter, helping to pull as much money to the bottom as possible, if aluminum prices continue to decline, and revenue suffers, management can cut only so much fat.
The article Last Week’s Big Dow Losers originally appeared on is written by Matt Thalman.
Fool contributor Matt Thalman has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. Check back Monday through Friday as Matt explains what caused the Dow’s winners and losers of the day, and every Saturday for a weekly recap. Follow Matt on Twitter: @mthalman5513.
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