Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD): 1 Important Way Intel Corporation (INTC) Still Tops QUALCOMM, Inc. (QCOM)

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Part of the problem is that QUALCOMM, Inc. (NASDAQ:QCOM) has historically not marketed directly to consumers, something that Intel did from the get-go with its iconic “Intel Inside” campaign that put its name directly on the outside of every PC sporting one of its processors. Smartphones with Qualcomm’s logo directly on them are few and far between, in part because there’s physically less space to put a sticker on, according to Chandrasekher.

Qualcomm now wants to push its Snapdragon brand more aggressively, which is one of its more recognizable products. You may have started to see Snapdragon commercials touting battery life mixed in with your regularly scheduled programming, but probably only relatively recently.

Chandrasekher considers his company a “$100-billion-plus company, in terms of market cap, that nobody knows.” Appealing directly to consumers is a tough proposition, though, because many may not be familiar with the technical details of why Snapdragons are superior to the competition — that pitch is for the OEMs building devices.

Onward and upward
Qualcomm CEO Paul Jacobs also hosted the opening keynote at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, hoping that would gain it some mindshare with consumers. Too bad the presentation was so weird that most people were left confused and wondering what Big Bird, Desmond Tutu, vampire attacks, and Star Trek have to do with Qualcomm.

The marketing exec acknowledged that the CES event didn’t go so well, but that the company continues to learn how to better market itself to convey its value proposition directly to consumers. It might take a long time and a ton of marketing money, but can Qualcomm ever match Intel’s brand?

The article 1 Important Way Intel Still Tops Qualcomm originally appeared on is written by Evan Niu, CFA.

Fool contributor Evan Niu, CFA, owns shares of Apple and Qualcomm. The Motley Fool recommends Apple and Intel. The Motley Fool owns shares of Apple, Intel, and Qualcomm.

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