A Viral Market Update XIII: The Strong (FANGAM) Get Stronger!

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I did sell my Apple Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) holdings today (August 19, 2020) as the company crested the $2 trillion mark, will continue to hold Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT), even though I believe that it is moderately overvalued, and Facebook, Inc. (NASDAQ: FB), hoping for more upside. In case you are tempted to follow my lead, let me hasten to add that I also sold my Tesla holdings in January 2020 at $640, and the stock is now trading at close to $2000. Google Alphabet Inc (NASDAQ: GOOGL) and Netflix Inc (NASDAQ: NFLX) will remain on my watch list, and I plan to add either stock, on weakness. I will not tempt fate, and sell short on Amazon, partly because I have seen what the market does to Amazon short sellers and partly because I struggle to think of a catalyst that will cause the price to adjust. If history is any guide, these companies, unstoppable though they seem now, will hand the baton, for carrying the market forward in this decade, to other companies.

YouTube Video


  1. Market data (August 14, 2020)
  2. Regional breakdown – Market Changes and Pricing (August 14, 2020)
  3. Sector breakdown – Market Changes and Pricing (August 14 2020)
  4. Industry breakdown – Market Changes and Pricing (August 14, 2020)

FANMAG: Valuations and Simulation Results

  1. Facebook: Valuation and Simulation Results
  2. Amazon: Valuation and Simulation Results
  3. Netflix: Valuation and Simulation Results
  4. Google/Alphabet: Valuation and Simulation Results
  5. Apple: Valuation and Simulation Results
  6. Microsoft: Valuation and Simulation Results
Viral Market Update Posts

Disclosure: None

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