3. Fort Greene/Clinton Hill
Although it is highly gentrified and new businesses open all the time, crime hasn’t left this area. In fact, gentrification does not have an overall crime correlation in many Brooklyn neighborhoods. Fort Greene and Clinton Hill, next on our list of neighborhoods to avoid in Brooklyn; both make up the 88th precinct. Although the total number of crimes seems to be at a low of 69 so far, two of those crimes are rapes and the population is a mere 51,421 residents. To top it off, the rate of crimes for this neighborhood is 1.3419/1,000 residents; which is also rising, again over the years. Perhaps the Notorious B.IG. had something to do with these neighborhoods infamously dangerous streets. Among the many like him in the history of crime in Brooklyn, his is a well-known face to put to the many shootings that took place on the streets of Clinton Hill where he grew up. It’s neighborhoods like these ones with a history of drug dealers and gangs that bring violence that often makes outsiders view it as a dangerous place.
