5. Bushwick
As a larger neighborhood, Bushwick, number five on our list of neighborhoods to avoid in Brooklyn has a population of 112,634. Unfortunately, with this higher population comes a higher crime rate of 1.3317/1,000 residents. And even more unfortunately, the 40 burglaries, 26 felony assaults, 37 grand larcenies, 11 grand larcenies of motor vehicles, 34 robberies and 2 rapes that make up the 150 total crimes this year is higher than that of what it was just last year. Let’s hope those numbers don’t keep increasing, and murders like one, in particular, that took place in 1989, where a mother—a do-gooder in her community—attempted to clean the streets of Bushwick up a bit. A woman with some serious huevos, she collected as much information for authorities as possible and even confronted drug dealers! Two dealers shot five bullets through her bedroom window one night. Although she was killed, thankfully her husband and toddler were unharmed. The city, however, would not let her story be forgotten so easily, as they decided to name the city park after her.