If you’re looking to earn some quick money for a personal cause, you might want to check out this list of 9 most profitable fundraisers for individuals.
There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing the money roll in and knowing you’ve worked hard to earn it. But it does help if it was both quick and easy to earn that money. Because these fundraisers aren’t your job. (Maybe they could be, but that’s another question for another time.) Maybe something came up — a family injury or other emergencies like a fire or car accident. And if you already have a day job, you won’t have much time left to fundraise to make up for the loss. That’s why the world is in need of quick fundraising ideas for individuals. Solo fundraising ideas that really rake in the dough, without much effort.
Many people raising money for disasters and tragedies often have much of their time consumed by that tragedy and its aftermath, so how can they raise money to pay for it too?

Goran Bogicevic/Shutterstock.com
First of all, don’t forget about Go Fund Me. It’s a great fundraiser for personal use. If your story is believable enough and your page is shared with a wide enough audience, it’s possible to make big bucks from that. But no one gets anything back from the money they put into Go Fund Me. Yes, that’s the point of donations, but fundraisers allow customers to not only give to a worthy cause but get something back for themselves. Whether that’s a coupon card, a calendar or a candy bar, it’s something. And if you fundraise by selling the right items, you’re bound to hit it off.
We ranked our best unique fundraising ideas for individuals by using a site called Easy Fundraising Ideas. On it, a wide variety of fundraising products are available for sale, along with a detailed analysis of how profitable each product can be. A chart with percentages as well as a helpful description is included on each fundraising product’s page. We took their list of Best Single Person Fundraising Ideas, then ranked each product by profit percentage. The charts on the site have the amount of items bought on one side, and profit gained from that amount on the other side. We took the profit percentage next to the highest amount of products shown on each chart and ranked each product from lowest profit to highest.
So forget non-profit fundraising ideas for this list, these are ideas that will leave you with some truly satisfying profits. But keep in mind that you will have to put some work in, selling your products and getting them to the proper customer in a timely manner. And since we provided links to each product on our list, you can research which product that will yield the best results for you and your situation. Make sure you know what you’re getting into before buying, do your best salesman work, and you’ll be sure to get a great return.
And for more information about getting some extra cash, check out our lists of most profitable fundraisers for schools, sports, and nonprofits and easiest government grants to get for individuals.
Otherwise, here’s our list of 9 most profitable independent fundraising ideas! It might have you wanting to fundraise even if you don’t have a particular reason to.