If you’re keen on buying and selling paintings online through eBay, you should take a look at the data we gathered on the 9 most popular paintings sold on eBay.
Art is a form of expression that helps people connect with a deeper meaning of their existence. It intrigues all of us, and though you might be more interested in music or literature than you are paintings, they’re still considered a form of high art. The internet has made it possible for art lovers to connect through online galleries, auction, or individual artist websites all over the world. If you’re an artist, you can easily sell your work online. The most popular marketplace for this is eBay.
Paintings are a great medium to reflect on your inner space and inspire a sense of calmness to connect with your values and break language or cultural barriers. Alternatively, it can work as a great decoration for your home. eBay has over a quarter of a million paintings listed in their art category, so if you’re interested in some that might be a great place to look first.

Bloomua / Shutterstock.com
Artists use many different mediums to paint. Some use oil or acrylic paints, while others work with watercolor or gouache. No matter the medium, the aesthetic beauty is largely due to the skill of an artist and his or her imagination.
Buying and selling on eBay is not difficult, but you must be aware of its pitfalls. With more than 165 million users worldwide, there are bound to be unhappy ones. The Telegraph, a UK-based newspaper, sums up the grievances faced by eBay users as buyers “being sold stolen goods, or goods arriving not as described” and sellers “complain about eBay’s protection schemes not working in their favor.” It’s important that you’re cautious in your dealings on eBay.
eBay has more than 250,000 paintings listed in their art category right now. It’s sold approximately 150,000 paintings worldwide. To compile this list, we looked at the number of paintings that had already been sold worldwide through eBay to find out what kind of paintings people tend to buy more, and chose the top nine subjects that appeal to most people. The ranking is based on the number of items sold rather than the dollar amount of the transactions. eBay has a filter that allows you to see the activity in each category, and anyone can see what gets sold and what doesn’t. This is great for sellers to view analytics.
If you’re more of an Etsy lover, take a look at the 10 Most Popular Paintings on Etsy. In the meantime, find out what most people love on another marketplace on our list of 9 most popular paintings sold on eBay: