9. Richard Chase, aka “The Vampire of Sacramento”
Beaten by his father as a kid, he became a teenage alcoholic and soon started showing a fondness for torturing animals. In his young adult years he was committed several times to mental institutions, but always released.
Convinced that the Nazis were trying to turn his blood to dust by placing poison under his soap dish (yes, really), this man murdered 6 people in the span of a month, drank their blood, and ate their internal organs to “prevent his grim fate”, thus earning himself the well-deserved nickname: the Vampire of Sacramento. Sometimes he made “smoothies” out of his victims and, not surprisingly, he also had sex with some of the bodies while stabbing them, which kind of comes with the package really. Once caught, he was charged with the six murders and given several life sentences, but bullied and incited by his cellmates (who were in good reason afraid of him), he committed suicide in 1980. And now, let’s see what else we have on our list of most evil serial killers ever.