3. Take Out a Loan With Your Bank or a Credit Union
Chances are, you have a bank account. Hopefully, you’ve been banking with the same folks for a while. You could try to take out a small personal loan with them, or even a credit union. Notice how we said “small”? The idea is to borrow an amount you would have no trouble paying back. Heck, you could even use the borrowed money to pay back your loan! All you’re really doing here is making sure the payments are met and this will give your credit a boost. It’s actually, one of the fastest ways to increase your credit score by 100 points! If that doesn’t work, you may have better luck financing something from a local department store. Often times, places like that are more lenient when accepting applicants, but you tend to pay a bit more for what you’re getting.

Sergei Gontsarov/Shutterstock.com