4. Comic Strips
Everything that could make you laugh during the Great Depression could sell. People were willing to buy anything that would pull them out of reality. Comic strips that rank 4th in our list of best selling products during the Great Depression were often referred to as a comedic relief and this comes of no surprise since this was one of the cheapest yet great entertainment among children during the Great Depression. It was during this historic period when a first comic book was published (1933) and it was called Famous on Parade. Famous on Parade had 8 large pages that could be folded down and when it was first published it was given away for free, however after realizing the popularity of the comic books, the following year the cost of the comic book named Famous Funnies was 10 cents. The first issue of Superman appeared on newsstands in 1938 and we dare to say the Golden Age of Comic history started. Children were mesmerized by the adventures they could read in Superman, Batman, Detective Dan, etc.

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