9. Children’s Museum of the Arts
Over on Charlton Street, you’ll find the Children’s Museum of the Arts, which is a nonprofit arts facility trying to introduce children to the arts. The courses you’ll find here are dedicated to children as young as 10 months, and as old as 15. The art projects dedicated to them are great and the instructors will take them through every step of the project, whether we’re talking about painting, drawing, weaving, sewing, sculpting, writing, and so on.
One of the camps they offer, for instance, will have kids using wood, newspaper rolls, wire and other objects to build various structures. The day-camp starts at 9 AM and lasts to 5 PM and costs $700.
Other classes offered here handle video game design, illustrating stories, working with clay and learning how to make animations. Of course, each age group will have a different kind of classes designed for them.
