8 Ways to Save Money on Cigarettes

3. Roll your own Cigarettes

Roll-your-own cigarettes (RYO or simply rollies) can vary in strength and it requires a certain skill to roll your cigarettes by hand but it surely cuts the cost of smoking. All you need is rolling tobacco and rolling paper. By rolling your own cigarettes, not only will you have a greater control over the strength and flavor of cigarette that you smoke but it will also can one of the ways to save money on cigarettes

2. Two Packs at a Time

Due to higher taxes being imposed on the import of cigarettes, retailers have begun offering discounts on double packs. There are many local stores that offer a double pack discount. When availing these offers people save up to a dollar or more on a pack which helps a lot. So for people wanting to save up on cigarettes, they should look for stores near them that are offering such discounts.