8 Reasons Why Apple Inc. (AAPL) Is Doomed

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1. Phones are Being Changed Less Frequently

The situation is this – iPhones are expensive regardless if you live in the United States or abroad. Not only are they expensive, but you’re paying for the brand a whole lot more than you are for the technical innovations under the hood. There are Android phones out there with better specs and lower prices. Sure, an Android phone from Samsung or Huawei doesn’t come with the same elitist stamp that an iPhone does, and that’s something many buyers are actually looking for, but for the ones who aren’t, there’s no question of which phone makes more sense to buy (hint: it’s not the iPhone).

The price tags on iPhones have historically driven users towards signing up for a two-year cellphone contract with their phone companies, whereby they agree to stay with them for two years, paying a certain amount each month in order to be able to buy the iPhone for half the price, or get it for next-to-nothing. With these two-year contracts dying, people are realizing now that they’re not pressed to change their phones so soon and they’re holding onto them for longer periods of time.

What does this mean? Well, Citigroup estimates that the phone replacement cycle will stretch to 29 months for the second-half of 2016, up from 28 months in 2015’s final quarter. In the past two years, the typical range for phone changing was somewhere between 24 and 26 months, so the spike is quite sudden and shocking to many. One of the reasons behind this change is the fact that technological changes between various editions of popular phones aren’t that big nowadays, certainly not as big as they once used to be. And this is something that’s particularly true for Apple’s products.

That being said, these are the 8 reasons why Apple is doomed.

8 Reasons Why Apple Is Doomed


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