8 Reasons Why Apple Inc. (AAPL) Is Doomed

3. iMacs and MacBooks vs the Rest of the World

Do they look great? Sure. Are they worth it? Not really. Have you seen the price tags on MacBooks of any kind and iMacs? If you have, you must have done a double-take because when it comes to specs, there’s really no comparison. Buying a regular computer running Linux or Windows or any other kind of operating system with the same specs or even better will be a lot cheaper.

Sure, we’re going to mention it again – buying Apple products is paying for the Apple brand. But is it worth it?

We’re going to give it to Apple and applaud the latest MacBook off the production line – the Pro version, which has been quite successful. In fact, just after its release, the MacBook Pro managed to become the laptop U.S online shoppers spent the most on in 2016. Data from Slice Intelligence shows the new MacBook Pro sales generated 7-times the revenue than the 2015 MacBook received after its launch.

And that’s great news, but is it going to save Apple’s future? Likely not. Many are realizing that there are so many limitations to Apple’s products, all while the prices are still sky high. The 13-inch MacBook Pro goes for between $1,499 and $1,999, while the 15-inch model goes for between $2,399 and $2,799. Do you know how much a regular laptop with the specs of the 15-inch model goes for on Amazon? As little as $900.

8 Reasons Why Apple Is Doomed