8 Reasons Why Apple Inc. (AAPL) Is Doomed

5. Slowing Sales Growth Rate

Regardless of how many fans Apple has and how many are willing to upgrade their iPhones every year for little to no actual upgrades, the company can’t surpass global trends. What are these global trends you ask? Well, Gartner estimates that global smartphone sales will continue to slow down, no longer growing by double-digits. In 2016, the market is expected to grow by 7%, down from 14.4% in 2015. This is a massive slowdown and it’s going to affect all companies in the industry, Apple included. The primary reason for this slowdown in worldwide phone sales is the fact that people are not replacing them as often as before. Even premium phone users in mature markets are extending the life cycles of their devices to 2.5 years now, which is something Gartner expects will not change much in the next five years.

8 Reasons Why Apple Is Doomed

Denys Prykhodov / Shutterstock.com