These 8 most successful GoFundMe campaigns of all time will surely return your faith in humanity. They show that there are still good people out there, ready to help others in need.
GoFundMe is a crowdfunding site, but has one important distinction from other crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. While the latter two give you an opportunity to seek funds for almost everything, from a potato salad to finishing your music album, GoFundMe is there to help you get funds for another kind of need. This crowdfunding site is dedicated to helping people with some life problems like inability to pay scholarship, medical bills, or just help someone lead a better life. If you are more interested in starting a campaign that will help you achieve your life goal, check our 7 most successful Kickstarter categories to fund your project.

GoFundMe enables its users to create their own page on the site, describe the thing they are trying to fund and upload pictures or videos. The page can be shared on social media to increase the exposure. Those who seek funds are entitled to withdraw any amount that is being donated to their cause, without reaching a goal they have set. After the goal is reached, the donors can still continue to donate, and the campaign will stay alive until the person that posted it decides to stop it. GoFundMe takes 5% of each donated amount, and that’s the way they gain revenue.
To find out the 8 most successful GoFundMe campaigns of all time, we went to the GoFundMe official page and under “success section” browsed through the most successful campaigns to date. The 8 ones that collected the most funding entered our list.