If you cook, you’d appreciate the lack of dirt in various vegetables you cook. Turns out, the industries that brought that side effect, hydroponics and aquaponics, could potentially be a savvy business investment as well. In case you’ve been looking at some parts of your land and wondering about commercial aquaponics startup costs, here are 8 most profitable aquaponics fish and system in 2017!
Is aquaponics profitable? Well, the answer is the same as for any other venture. It all depends on how much time and money you are willing to invest in it. Generally, most people turn to aquaponics system as a hobby or a way of using that extra space in the backyard. The aquaponics profit margin is difficult to determine for this particular reason. This remains to be a relatively new way of growing produce, and the majority don’t invest enough in it. According to one study, 31% of the producers gained revenue from their aquaponics system, but the rest had others sources of income. Either way, your aquaponics profit per square foot should be high enough if you decide to combine the right plants with our choice of most profitable aquaponics systems and fish. You can find the most suitable plants in our article about 12 most profitable plants for aquaponics small gardens and backyard nurseries. Therefore, in case you’re wondering whether you can make money with aquaponics, the answer is positive.

Vlad Teodor/Shutterstock.com
As for commercial aquaponics profitability in India, it could be said that Vijayakumar Narayanan is one of its pioneers in the country. He now runs a blog advising his fellow citizens to become self-employed and run this business, so we can expect the aquaponics profit margin in India to become even higher.
After reading our 10 Best Tasting Freshwater Fish to Eat, you may have wondered if you could grow them on your own. In order to decide on the best fish for aquaponics systems, we went to Uponics. There we opted for the fish which was edible, i.e., it’s easiest to sell and ranked them according to their harvest times. The sooner, the better. When it comes to aquaponics systems, we compared the descriptions and advice from Nelson Pade, Japan Aquaponics, and Friendly Aquaponics. No system is perfect, but we chose the ones which were the easiest to maintain and most likely to bring you proper harvest.
Now let’s take a look which systems and fish to choose if you’re ready for a new agricultural adventure. Here’s our choice of 8 most profitable aquaponics fish and system in 2017!
8. Media-filled beds
Admittedly, this method can require a lot of work. As opposed to rafts, the beds aren’t that easy to move so it can be time-consuming and hard. Also, it’s not the absolute best pick if you’re thinking large-scale (we have another solution for that). However, you can grow almost every kind of plant in them, and they are extremely simple to install and maintain, which isn’t always the case with other systems.

Vlad Teodor/Shutterstock.com