8 Most Educated Countries in Central and South America

2. Grenada

No. of high education students per 100,000 people: 6600

The compulsory education in Granada takes 12 years including primary (6 years) and secondary education. The enrolment ratio for primary schools is 98.5%, for secondary 91.8%, and for tertiary 53.5% making this country among the most educated in Central and South America. There are several universities in Grenada including the University of West Indies (which was developed as public university educational system for English-speaking countries of the Caribbean in 1948) and its branch the TA Marryshow Community College. Then there is St. George’s University which is now a private university where they offer many programs including medicine, arts, business, veterinary and sciences.

Most Educated Countries in Central and South America

Lisa Belle Larsen/Shutterstock.com