8 Most Educated Countries in Central and South America

4. Chile

No. of high education students per 100,000 people: 5200

Literacy level in Chile is 96%, and since 2003 the compulsory education was raised to 18 years of age encompassing 12 years of education, (being up to 13 years since 1965). The enrolment to second educational level is also high being 88%. Tertiary education in Chile is provided by 25 public and more than 50 private universities where all levels of tertiary education can be achieved (bachelor, masters, and Ph.D.). The oldest university in Chile – Universidad de Chile was established in 1622 under the name Universidad de Santo Tomás de Aquino, which makes it one of the oldest still existing universities in general and keeps Chile among the most educated countries in Central and South America.

Most Educated Countries in Central and South America

Pablo Rogat/Shutterstock.com