8 Mensa IQ Test Questions You Need To Answer To Join Mensa

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3. Non-verbal reasoning – Raven’s Progressive Matrices (RPM)

This test, number three on our list of Mensa IQ test questions you need to answer to join Mensa – the brainchild of John C. Raven – measures fluid intelligence; the ability to understand the complexity of the situation, to store information obtained and to consequently reproduce them. There are three different models available regarding respondent’s ability. The third option, the Advanced Progressive Matrices test (RAPM) contains 48 problems that get progressively more challenging, and it’s mostly in use for those with above-average intelligence. Similar to FRT, there is an incomplete matrix of geometric figures presented, and the task is to complete it by selecting the correct figure offered below. Although this test alone is not a ‘go-card’ for Mensa membership, this type of questions is, practice it with our example.

raven's matrices

raven solutions

Source: ResearchGate

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