8 Mensa IQ Test Questions You Need To Answer To Join Mensa

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8. a

7. insider monkey

6. 8 p.m.

5. d (The last number minus 1, then the last number minus 2, then minus 3, etc.)

4.  b (The figures in the first column grow in size each step to the right)

3.  3 (Rowwise – add the black parts of the first and second element to obtain the third one)

2.solution sp

1. b (The dots make up 2 moving shapes. The first is a horizontal line made up of 3 dots, moving one cell to the right each step. The second shape is a diagonal in the upper left corner made up of 2 dots, rotating 90 degrees each step)

7-8: You are Mensa material

5-6: You have good chances to qualify for Mensa

Below 5: Try again, it’s not your day!

So, how did it go with these Mensa IQ test questions you need to answer to join Mensa?

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