Minimum wage workers, many of whom are stuck on some of these 8 lowest paying blue collar jobs in America, have been pushing to raise federal minimum wage which is set at 7.25$ per hour. In last few years low-paid earners have organized protests across the US with only one goal – they want to be paid 15$ hourly. As elections approach, lowest compensated workers are doubling their pressure on politicians saying loudly and clearly – you will get our vote if you back up the pay rise. And while Hillary Clinton supported their efforts on Twitter saying: “Fast-food, home care, child care workers: your advocacy is changing our country for the better”, Republicans oppose the increase.

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In our previous ranking, we showed that fastest growing blue collar jobs refute the stereotype that blue collar industry is reserved only for low-qualified employees who are ready to work for the minimum salary. Insulation workers, wind turbine technicians, solar photovoltaic installers and many others are well-educated people with solid earnings. Today’s list shows other side of blue collar industry by presenting those who work menial jobs for less than 21,000$ annually.
But who are people who are forced to accept underpaid jobs to make ends meet? According to latest Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers 2014, nearly half of people paid 7.25$ per hour or less is younger than 25. The majority of them, 77 percent, obtained high school diploma while about one-third has some college education. Additionally, some nine percent have BA or higher educational level. Finally, women constitute a greater share of the low-wage workforce, while states with the highest number of these workers are located in the South.
Although this short overview might leave the impression that lowest paid workers are mainly young people who need some pin money, the truth is that significant percent of older Americans who have more than high school diploma in their pockets belongs to poorly compensated working class. Compared to three decades ago, structure of the low-wage workforce has changed – underpaid workers are older and better educated today than they were in the past. And more importantly, while not long ago working in fast food stand was a source of extra cash, currently low-wage workers provide 46 percent of their family’s income, which is the result of the change in the American economy. Today companies that hire the greatest share of the workforce are retailers and fast-food chains which can offer their products at low prices and manage to generate profit mainly because they rely on cheap working force.
In ranking 8 lowest paying blue collar jobs in America we used BLS data which shows that greatest percent of lowest paid workers is employed in hospitality and leisure. Nine of ten worst compensated occupations are related to food service, and since we did not want to present only these types of jobs, we put them all under one category – food preparation and serving workers.
8. Gaming Dealers
Average salary: 21,040$
We start with gaming dealers who earn the most among worst paid blue collars. Expectedly, Nevada has the highest number of job openings for this occupation, while Texas, where gaming dealers earn almost 30,000 annually, is the top-paying state. The occupation carries certain health risks related to long-term exposure to tobacco smoke and noise.
7. Lifeguards, Ski Patrol, and Other Recreational Protective Service Workers
Average salary: 21,030$
According to BLS, 117,540 people were employed as protective service works with average earnings little over 21,000$ annually. Give the amount of responsibilities which accompany the job, one can argue that these workers are underpaid. However, working as a lifeguard in Hawaii, the top paying state for the occupation, for 35,490$ per year, is not such a bad deal.

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6. Farmworkers and Laborers, Crop, Nursery, and Greenhouse
Average salary: 20,820$
Although America is among top agriculture producing countries, with export estimated at 110 billion of dollars, farm workers annual salary is little less than 21,000$. Working on a farm is not only physically demanding but also extremely stressful. CBS list of professions with highest suicidal rates puts farming, fishing, and forestry at sixth place with 5.1 workplace suicides per 1,000,000 workers. Factors that increase suicide rate among farmers are “financial loss; physical stress and illness due to the taxing nature of the work; social isolation; difficult work-home balance; limited access to mental health services; and depression caused by chronic pesticide exposure”.

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5. Cashiers
Average salary: 20,640$
The fifth occupation on our list of 8 lowest paying blue collar jobs in America, cashier, might as well be the most monotonous one. Working at the cash register, dealing with demanding customers while keeping a smile on the face for the average wage of 20,640 is exhausting for most people. BLS estimates job growth for the occupation at 2 percent, which is lower than the national average. The main reason cashiers won’t be in demand is the prevalent use of automated checkouts and increasing online sales.

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4. Amusement and Recreation Attendants
Average salary: 20,590$
For most people going to an amusement park or recreation facilities is a synonym for ‘good time’. One can suppose that amusement and recreation attendants are not among those people. Besides low wage, working conditions also make the job undesirable. Only attendants who work within nursing care facilities can be partly satisfied as their annual earnings exceed the average wage for the occupation by 7.000$.

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3. Ushers, Lobby Attendants, and Ticket Takers
Average salary: 20,530$
BLS reports that 113,700 people worked as ushers, lobby attendants, and ticket takers for the average salary of 17.444$, mainly in cinemas, theaters, and other art institutions, as well as on sports events. In most cases the occupation requires part time work, and it can be a source of additional cash for young people. However, one can hardly rely on the job as a main source of income except if he is working for the government, in which case he can earn 39,270$ annually.

2. Shampooers
Average salary: 19,480
According to BLS, 16,560 people who worked as shampooers were paid on average 19,480$ yearly. There is no doubt that low earnings make the job undesirable. However, for those who have the ambition to become hairdressers working as a shampooer is a good way to get free on-job training. Thus, washing hair in a local salon might be the first step toward becoming hair stylist or even starting your own business one day, in which case you won’t have to worry about making ends meet.

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1. Food Preparation and Serving Workers
Average salary range: 19,030-20,510$
Food Preparation and Serving Workers rank as first on the list 8 lowest paying blue collar jobs in America. The salaries within this group range from 19,030$, the amount which fast food cooks earn, to 20,510$, which is salary paid to dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers. Many of jobs related to food preparation and serving are projected to grow at faster rate than national average mainly because people tend to leave the industry relatively quickly.
