7. Mental health/depression
This is definitely one of the most discussed no call no show excuses on the web. And one of the very good excuses for missing work and not calling, as well. People also often search for “no call no show depression” and from what we found out that is because this is a common problem happening in the work places all around the world. To be more specific – there are many people who really suffer from depression, and they don’t use this as an excuse, it is an actual excuse for them. Imagine being so depressed, sad, having no will for living…if you never ever even for a second experienced this, then you have no idea how they feel, and how serious this is. Enough about this being a real problem, how about using it as an excuse? Well, if you are usually a cheerful person, or just a normal person, chances are this won’t work. The boss may even ask for a note from a psychiatrist or something. Nevertheless, if your boss is one of those caring people, trying not to offend anyone, maybe you will get with it this one time.