8 Easily Digestible Foods to Soothe an Upset Stomach

5. Plain Yogurt

The only dairy product on our list of 8 Easily Digestible Foods to Soothe an Upset Stomach may also be the only milk-derived product that is considered a good solution for digestive problems. Yogurt is produced when milk is fermented by bacteria, during which the complex proteins and fats in the milk are broken down and are made more easily acceptable by our digestive system.

Pros: Yogurt contains good bacteria which are also present in our digestive system. Besides being soothing on your stomach, it is a good source of protein — 100 grams of yogurt, about 4 ounces, contains 10 grams of protein, which is 20% of our daily requirement. It also a good source of calcium and vitamins.

yogurt, yoghurt, bowl, white, smooth, lemon-mouse, dairy-product, vanilla-yogurt, delicious, dessert, yogurt-pot, sweet, country-vanilla, beverage, organic, carrara-marble, 8 Easily Digestible Foods to Soothe an Upset Stomach
