Itching to move to NYC but need to get a job first — look no further than our list of 8 easiest jobs to get in NYC.
Because sometimes the job market can seem scarce, and before moving anywhere, you’ll want to make sure the skills you have are actually in demand there. This is a great resource for finding out how to get a job in NYC before you move.
Since New York City is so large, with seemingly unlimited opportunities, a well-paying job shouldn’t be hard to come by. But times have changed, and even bustling cities sometimes have only a small amount of job options available. At least a small amount of job options that you’re willing to consider. Because we all need to make an honest living, and it’s a bonus if we enjoy the job we use to do that.
Of course, in a city like this, unique opportunities are available that might not do well elsewhere, such as Uber driver (not a lot of people want to drive in NYC) or Airbnb host (because it’s a popular tourist destination). These are easy jobs that could potentially pay a lot of money.
But if you’re looking for something a little more serious, check out our options below. To find them, we read articles from The Penny Hoarder (13 Strange Ways to Make Extra Money in New York) and Timeout (Ways to Make Money Now in New York). We also used platforms like Quora and City Data. Normally, we wouldn’t use these platforms for research, but since they tell the story of those who have actually searched for NYC jobs, we knew they could be trusted for this article.
However, the bulk of our research came simply from Google Job Search. Each time a job in a certain field was mentioned as easy to find in one of the above lists, or listed on the Google Job Search list, we gave it one point and formed our points system from there. But rest assured, most occupations on this list are based on actual job postings, so you can know for sure that type of work is needed.
Although there’s no absolute guarantee that all of the types of jobs below will be “easy to get.” The jobs below are certainly easy to find in New York City, but it’s nearly impossible to know how easy it will be to get hired for those jobs. That all depends on your interview performance, skill level, interviewee, as well as so many other factors. So, don’t expect an answer to how to get a job in NYC with no experience, because, for the jobs on our today’s list, it is desirable that you have it. However, it is possible to find some easy jobs to get with no experience out there, as well as easy jobs that potentially can pay a lot of money, as evidenced in Glassdoor’s article. If one job in a field below doesn’t work out, however, there’s sure to be another option in the same field, so don’t stress it.
Check out this article from Wet Feet about how to land a job in NYC, for tips on the best way to find a job in NYC, as well as our lists of 6 easiest jobs to get at Google and 11 easy jobs that pay well without experience, for even more job options.
So here goes! 8 easiest jobs to get in NYC, and start to make money fast in NYC.
8. Writer
3 points
Whether a full time, part time or freelance writer, there’s always a demand for this skill in the Big Apple. If nothing else, start a money making blog.
7. Strategist
4 points
We saw positions for client strategist, content strategist and other analytics-related jobs all over the city.
6. Designer
5 points
Graphic design is in high demand, but if your area of expertise is interior design, check that field out too.
5. Marketing
9 points
Great at SEO and other advertising strategies? Check out the many marketing jobs available in NYC on our list of 8 easiest jobs to get in NYC.
4. Food Service
11 points
If you’ve been anywhere near the NYC restaurant scene, you know that any job in food service will be easy to find. You won’t be settling, either. Some of the food service workers in NYC make enough for a full time living.
2. Healthcare
12 points
From dental to neuro to nurse, New York City is full of healthcare jobs across the spectrum.
2. Commission Sales
12 points
The car dealer market is doing surprisingly well in NYC, but there are also dozens of other sales positions offered there.
1. Engineer
18 points
We found engineering positions of all types in our search, which makes this the winner in our list of 8 easiest jobs to get in NYC. Thanks for reading!