8. United Arab Emirates
Ever growing and ever changing Emirates require more labor force than they can muster. In fact, most of the country’s population is comprised of international labor immigrants, half of which are from South Asia. Just shy of 20% of people are Emiratis and have the country’s citizenship. This is both because of the mentioned labor force situation, and because of very strict laws on citizenship grants. If you’re not a GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) citizen, you’ll have to reside in one of seven Emirates for no less than 30 years before becoming eligible for citizenship. Even then, you won’t be allowed to stand for elections. If you’re from Oman, Qatar, and Bahrain, however, you’ll only have to wait 7 years, and you’ll be granted the opportunity to stand for elections as well. Citizenship, however, isn’t necessary, and you only need to find (low-paid, quite unsafe and often criticized) work opportunity which you would be willing to take. There are other means as well, but only skilled workers will get the chance to experience the bright and usually presented side of the Emirates. Clean cities, skyscrapers, Persian Gulf, expensive cars, smart shops, warm weather, modern infrastructure, and many more perks await those who have something to offer to UAE. In turn, Emirates offer both the mentioned perks, and lucrative salaries.

Patryk Kosmider/Shutterstock.com