8 Easiest Cancers to Treat

While no cancer is good news by any means, the 8 easiest cancers to treat are much smaller blows than others, as they provide you with a very high probability of survival.

Medicine has come a long way, to the point that the question is no longer if there is any hope for a cancer patient, the updated question is: is cancer curable or treatable? Well, it is always treatable. Modern science has come up with many methods that can help shrink down cancer, help improve the quality of the patient’s life or at the very least prolong it as much as possible. In this case, the quality of the doctor and the hospital also comes into play. The 10 best cancer hospitals in the world are not considered so for no reason. Many times, treatment completely eradicates cancer, resulting in complete remission for the patient. However, sometimes treatment may only contain cancer or lessen it, but not remove it, which obviously means the disease hasn’t been cured. So whether or not cancer is curable is something that depends entirely on the type of cancer you have and the stage your cancer is at, which brings us to our topic.

Easiest Cancers to Treat


We have for you a curable cancers list, which ranks types of cancers based on the 5-year survival rate of patients who have been diagnosed with that particular cancer. We have taken this data from Table 7 of the report published by the American Cancer Society titled Cancer Facts & Figures 2018. The report proffers a very comprehensive summary of the most common cancers prevalent in the country today. Most of them you would already have heard of since diseases like prostate cancer or breast cancer are actually pretty common. It’s no wonder that the USA is one of the 12 countries with the highest breast cancer rates in the world.

While you can take this article as a compilation of curable cancers by percentage, you have to bear in mind that the percentage of survival we have used is an average one, it will go down considerably if the patient in question is at a very advanced stage of his or her disease. People whose loved ones have been inflicted with the turmoils of cancer often have these questions on their lips: is cancer curable at 3rd stage? Is cancer curable at stage IV? Again, the answer is all in the location of your cancer. The report linked above categorizes stages into local, regional and distant: local being stage I, regional being stage II and III and distant being stage IV, and while some cancers show pretty decent statistics in the regional stage, the odds of surviving at the last stage are sadly, quite slim. With something like pancreatic cancer though, which at a 5-year survival rate of 9% is the hardest cancer to cure, it probably doesn’t look good whatever the stage of the cancer is. But let’s not go into the area of incurable cancers or least treatable cancers, and just list down the 8 easiest cancers to treat.

8. Urinary Bladder Cancer

5-year survival rate: 78%

Like all cancers, the survival rate for urinary bladder cancer falls when it advances to higher stages. However, a positive factor for this cancer is that it is usually detected at an early stage as the symptoms present themselves as blood in the urine or pain while urination, signs that most of us are not likely to ignore. While 78% is the average survival rate, it can increase to 96% if the cancer is detected at stage zero (51% of them are).

7. Uterine Corpus Cancer

5-year survival rate: 83%

This cancer takes shape in the lining of the womb and is quite a common occurrence with an estimated 200,000 cases reported in the US every year. Unfortunately, the odds of pulling through for patients of this type of cancer are more promising for Caucasian people than for African Americans. Nonetheless, the average survival rate makes uterine corpus cancer one of the easiest cancers to treat.

6. Hodgkin Lymphoma

5-year survival rate: 88%

The survival rate of Hodgkin Lymphoma is more favorable than that of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, and the only difference between the two is that the former identifies with the presence of a special kind of abnormal cell among the affected cells, and merely that presence improves your odds of surviving the disease.

Easiest Cancers to Treat


5. Breast Cancer

5-year survival rate: 91%

Breast cancer is one of the common cancers in the US and efforts are often made to spread awareness of the disease among the masses. In most cases, the cancer is curable, but there are certain risk factors that can make cancer more dangerous, old age being the most prominent.

Easiest Cancers to Treat

Tyler Olson/Shutterstock.com

4. Melanoma of the Skin

5-year survival rate: 94%

Melanoma is highly curable, especially when its detected at an early stage (which is exactly why you should run to the doctor as soon as you see an unusual growth or mole on your body). However, the issue with melanoma is that it’s quite likely to spread to other areas at a quick rate, which means cancer will enter more serious stages causing the survival rates to drop drastically. Surprisingly, the 5-year survival rate of this cancer among Whites is much higher than in Blacks, 94% to a meager 69%.

Easiest Cancers to Treat

Taras Atamaniv/Shutterstock.com

3. Testicular Cancer

5-year survival rate: 97%

Testicular cancer ranks third on our list of easiest cancers to treat. It offers an auspicious survival rate of 96% even at its regional stage. The distant stage is trickier of course, but with a 5-year survival rate of 73%, it actually provides the patient with the best odds out of any cancer at this most advanced stage.

2. Thyroid Cancer

5-year survival rate: 98%

Women are much more susceptible to thyroid cancer than men are, as approximately 75% cases are expected to be found among women in 2018 based on past trends. The good news is that most thyroid cancers are completely curable, making them one of the least deadly types of cancers.

Easiest Cancers to Treat


1. Prostate Cancer

5-year survival rate: 99%

The prostate is an important part of the male reproductive system, responsible for secreting a seminal liquid. Cancer in this area is one of the 8 easiest cancers to treat but, since it’s extremely common, some people do tend to be unfortunate even in case of this forgiving cancer, and hence, around 30,000 people are expected to die from prostate cancer in 2018.

Easiest Cancers to Treat
